One of Invisalign’s main benefits is that the aligners are removable! This can be helpful in patients’ daily lives in a several of ways.
Orthodontics patients who have braces deal with a wide range of food restrictions so that they don’t damage them. Metal braces can be damaged by foods that are hard and crunchy, sticky, or that you have to bite into.
With Invisalign, no such restrictions exist! You can just take your aligners out before you eat, and then put them back in when you’re done… after brushing and flossing, of course.
This also means that you don’t have to deal with getting any food stuck in your braces. Win-win!
Oral Hygiene
With braces, patients need to spend a lot of extra time brushing and flossing, to make sure they clean all the nooks and cranies created by the braces. They also need a variety of supplemental hygiene tools to get the job done right.
Not the case with Invisalign! You just take your aligners out when the time comes, and just brush and floss like you always do.
Extra-Curricular Activities
If you play an instrument or sports, there’s no need for your orthodontic treatment to get in the way. Just take your aligners out during practice, a game or a performance, and pop them back in after you’re done.